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Dilated pupils showing DWI

The Intricacies of Dilated Pupils in DWI Cases: What You Need to Know

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) cases often hinge on evidence gathered by law enforcement officials during traffic stops. One sign that officers may consider an indication of intoxication is the dilation of a suspect's pupils. However, dilated pupils are not a foolproof indicator of intoxication. There are many factors, both medical and environmental, that can cause pupils to dilate. In this blog post, we'll explore the complexities surrounding dilated pupils in DWI cases. We'll also look at why relying solely on this aspect could be misleading.

What Are Dilated Pupils?

The pupils are the black circles in the center of your eyes. They widen and narrow to regulate the amount of light entering the eye. Dilated pupils, or mydriasis, occur when the pupils expand to allow more light in. This could happen for a variety of reasons.

Common Causes of Dilated Pupils

  1. Medications: Certain medications, like atropine, phenylephrine, or scopolamine can cause pupils to dilate.
  2. Substance Use: Alcohol, cocaine, and other narcotics can also lead to pupil dilation.
  3. Environmental Factors: Low light conditions can naturally cause the pupils to dilate to allow in more light.
  4. Emotions: States of high emotion, such as excitement or fear, can trigger dilation.
  5. Medical Conditions: Conditions like glaucoma, third nerve palsy, or Horner's syndrome can cause an abnormality in pupil size.

Sources: Cleveland Clinic, American Association of Ophthalmology, Medical News Today, Healthline

Dilated Pupils in DWI Cases

In a DWI traffic stop, law enforcement officials look for various signs of intoxication. Dilated pupils are among these indicators. The theory is simple: alcohol and certain narcotics can cause the pupils to dilate. Therefore, if a driver's pupils are dilated, they might be intoxicated.

However, this assumption overlooks the various other reasons why pupils may dilate. For instance, if the traffic stop occurs at night, the pupils will naturally dilate due to low light conditions. Additionally, the stress of being pulled over can trigger emotional dilation of pupils. Also, someone who may be taking a therapeutic, non-intoxicating level of medication may have dilatated pipuls, but not be intoxicated (we have expert witnesses that regularly testify to this).

Legal Implications

The implications of misinterpreting dilated pupils can be severe. A wrongful DWI charge can lead to substantial fines, loss of driving privileges, and even imprisonment. This makes it crucial to critically examine all evidence presented in a DWI case.

Case Studies

Zendeh Del & Associates, PLLC has represented numerous clients who were wrongly accused of DWI based on dilated pupils. In many instances, alternate explanations for the dilation were presented and verified by medical professionals or corroborative evidence, leading to case dismissals or reductions in charges.

Expert Opinions

The American Academy of Ophthalmology, Cleveland Clinic, and other authoritative bodies caution against diagnosing medical conditions—or intoxication—based solely on pupil size. Their research supports the notion that many factors can influence pupil dilation, making it unreliable as a standalone indicator.

Tips for Defense

  1. Gather Medical Records: If you have a medical condition or are on medication that could cause pupil dilation, secure those records.
  2. Note Environmental Factors: If the arrest occurred under low light conditions, make that a point in your defense.
  3. Consult Experts: Ophthalmologists and pharmacologists can provide expert testimony on why pupils may dilate.
  4. Contact a Expert Galveston County DWI Lawyers at Zendeh Del & Associates, PLLC: If you find yourself wrongly accused, hiring a specialized DWI defense lawyer is crucial.


While dilated pupils can be a sign of intoxication, they are not an infallible indicator. Numerous other factors could contribute to pupil dilation, and ignoring them can lead to wrongful accusations and convictions. It's imperative to consult experts and secure a competent defense if you find yourself facing a DWI charge based on this criterion.

If you or a loved one is facing DWI charges and have concerns about the evidence against you, especially concerning dilated pupils, don't hesitate to contact Zendeh Del & Associates, PLLC. As one of the top DWI law firms in the State of Texas, we specialize in dismantling questionable evidence and fighting for justice. You can call us 24/7 at (409) 740-1111 for expert legal representation.
